Rotary thermoformer saves floor space in medical cleanrooms

The rotary design of the SP-32-20 Thermoformer from Shawpak, a division of Riverside Medical Packaging Co., enables medical packagers and others to significantly reduce their thermoforming footprint and boost automation efficiencies.

The thermoformer can be used to form, fill and seal rigid and flexible blisters and to produce flat, four-side seal sachets and three-side seal premade pouches.

Featuring a compact vertical carousel instead of a linear design, the machine is both space- and energy-efficient. In cleanroom applications, the thermoformer’s footprint is less than 1.5 cubic meters, versus 4 to 12 linear meters for a conventional thermoformer.

Designed without clip chains, the machine eliminates trim, which translates into reduced materials waste. It features fast, simple changeover and can accommodate multiple web widths on a single machine.

The thermoformer features a flat, open surface that can be accessed from multiple sides for ease of loading, either manually, automatically or semi-automatically. In addition, the thermoformer costs 30% to 40% less than conventional machines, according to the manufacturer.

See the Shawpak SP-32-20 rotary thermoformer in person at WestPack 2020 (Feb. 11-13; Anaheim, CA) in Shawpak Booth 4929.


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