Hosts Gene Marino, President, Akers Packaging Service Group, and Joe Morelli, Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Huston Patterson Printers and Lewisburg Printing Co., speak with Kevin and Matt Ausburn of SMC Packaging Group, in “What It’s All About,” the latest episode of Breaking Down Boxes.
While the Springfield, Missouri company faced a tough start, like all box plants, Kevin Ausburn’s father and his business partner, Chuck Bachus, worked through it.
After becoming a CPA, Kevin worked in Kansas City for several years before feeling the pull of a family business.
His son, Matt, followed a similar path, earning a CPA and gaining experience outside of SMC before the prospect of new projects also pulled him in.
The Ausburns will share how it feels to look back at working with their fathers and where they think SMC is heading. They will discuss the organic development of third-generation roles and how they handle the challenges that many family companies face in encouraging the new generation to grow within the company, while the previous generation learns to step back.
“When Gene and Joe interview multi-generation ownership, Kevin and Matt, at the same time it is really special,” says AICC President Mike D’Angelo. “You really feel like a part of the family in the way the story comes out conversationally. Great stuff.” To listen, visit AICCbox.org/Boxes.
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